By Joe Reavis
Staff Writer
Filings for the 2018 political party primary elections that include several top Texas and Collin County offices open Saturday, Nov. 11 and run through Dec. 11.
The primaries determine candidates for the Nov. 6, 2018 midterm general election. County level candidates file with county political party chairmen while district and statewide candidates file with state political parties.
Primary balloting is slated for March 6, 2018.
Statewide elections include the offices of governor, lieutenant governor, comptroller, land commissioner, agricultural commissioner and railroad commissioner, as well as several judicial posts and the U.S. Senate seat held by Ted Cruz.
On the county level, Wylie voters must fill the offices of county judge, county commissioners for Precincts 2, and justice of the peace for Precincts 2.
For the full story see the November 8 issue or subscribe online.