By Dixie Dickson
Well we have made it through the Thanksgiving holidays and into the busiest time of the year. We do hope you had a grand time with family and friends.
We welcome December and pray the rains slow up, but it is better than the ice storms they are getting up north. We should just be thankful for what we have instead of wanting something else. That is human nature, I guess.
We closed November with food, games, and fun! Remember When was played and we remembered 1946 and that taxed the brain for many of us. Our history buffs came through with shining colors.
We were closed Thursday and Friday in observation of the holidays. We are very thankful for our facility, friends, and community.
December started with our paper craft and computer classes. Ham and beans were well received on these cold damp days.
We will be celebrating our birthdays today with bingo and a party.
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