Courtesy photo
Breast cancer survivor Jessica Scott Turner and family. Pictured in front l-r, Isabella and Elayna, back, l-r, Michael, Jennifer, baby Gracyn, Ernie and Annalee.
Battling cancer seems to most people to be terrifying, but the process can often turn into a positive, life changing experience as in the case of Wylie resident Jessica Scott Turner.
She no longer has to rely on anti-depressant medication, as she did for years, to get through the day and now finds herself more outgoing and engaged in the lives of those around her.
“Cancer made me realize that life is a gift. Every single day is a gift,” she said. “I look at cancer as a gift because it completely changed my life. I’m just so happy to be here experiencing life.”
By Joe Reavis • Staff Writer • [email protected]
For the complete story see the Oct. 14 edition of The Wylie News or click on the e-edition.