Mayor Matthew Porter, Congressional Staffer Susan Fischer, Hartman Elementary Principal Vanessa Hudgins, Wylie ISD Superintendent David Vinson, Wylie ISD Deputy Superintendent Kim Spicer and Hartman Elementary Office Support Staffer Susan Shuler.
Sixty years ago, a new elementary school was a highly anticipated event for Wylie and its construction and subsequent Open House were chronicled in this newspaper. Now 60 years later, the success and longevity of the district’s oldest elementary school was cause for celebration.
Last week, many current and former educators, students and trustees attended a 60th birthday party to celebrate the past, present and future of Hartman Elementary.
Other guests also in attendance at the Friday, Feb. 9, event included State Representative Candy Noble, Mayor Matthew Porter, Superintendent David Vinson and Mayor pro tem Jeff Forrester.
“Hartman set the standard,” Vinson told the audience. “It was the most economically disadvantaged campus we have in the district, and it was the highest achieving school in the district. I learned a lot from the heart and soul and people here.”
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