The Wylie City Council on Tuesday paved the way for a new housing development to come to town.
Councilmembers approved the city manager to sign a development agreement between the city and Wylie Lake Park LD LLC regarding the use of building materials for a townhome planned development generally located at the northwest corner of County Line Road and Troy Road. For that development, councilmembers approved a change of zoning from Multi-Family to Planned Development-Multifamily for 26.6 acres located at the northwest corner of County Line Road and Troy Road.
During a work session, councilmembers held a joint work session with the Parks and Recreation Board to discuss the future of Lake Lavon, including new amenities and park development at the venue.
And during another work session, councilmembers heard a presentation from Agape Resource & Assistance Center to bring affordable housing to Wylie in the form of Jericho Village, which would have 30 to 32 units. In its literature, Agape provides housing and transitional services to homeless single women and mothers and their children “that empower them to move from homelessness and crisis to fulfilling, self-sustaining lives.”
Read more about the meeting in the Feb. 17 edition of The Wylie News.
By Don Munsch [email protected]