For the third time this school year, a student on a bicycle has been struck by a vehicle near a Wylie school.
The most recent incident occurred about 4:30 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 4, at Wylie East High School.
Police spokesman Sgt. Donald English reported that a driver was exiting a parking lot at WEHS when he struck a 16-year-old boy who was riding a bicycle across the entry of the driveway.
The bicyclist sustained only minor injuries and did not require transportation to a hospital.
Wylie Police Department would like to remind parents and students of a few bicycle safety tips…
• Wear a properly fitted helmet. It is the best way to prevent serious head injuries.
• When riding, get off your bike and walk through intersections in the designated crosswalk.
• Remember that vehicles could also be exiting from private driveways.
•Make eye contact with drivers before proceeding across the path of stopped vehicles.
• Do not attempt to race or beat a vehicle.
Parents are advised to take time to speak to their children about these safety tips and others that are found on the Safe Kids website,
Drivers should also be mindful of children riding their bicycles. Check and double check before passing through a crosswalk or exiting a driveway where kids are present.
From Staff Reports • [email protected]