A packed schedule often leads to less meals around the table. Between balancing family, friends, work and activities, it can be easy to reach for a pre-packaged snack on-the-go that lacks important vitamins and nutrients.
Instead, when looking for portable, grab-and- go foods, think about a multi-purpose treat like watermelon. Not only can watermelon be diced, sliced, balled or blended, it also provides numerous health benefits. Watermelon contains higher levels of lycopene than any other fresh fruit or vegetable and is a source of vitamins A and C, as well as vitamin B6 and potassium.
Thinking beyond traditional slices, chunks or balls, there are many ways to incorporate watermelon into some of your favorite to-go meals, whether as a side dish or a key ingredient in beverages, salads or wraps. For example, these recipes for Watermelon and Bulgur Wheat Salad and Watermelon Collagen Creamsicle from the National Watermelon Promotion Board can help satisfy your sweet tooth and provide necessary nutrients while tackling the next task on your to-do list.
Find more watermelon recipes perfect for an on-the-go lifestyle at watermelon.org.
For delicious recipes see the May 23 issue or subscribe online.