NTMWD Watering Advice 2023

Pete Sessions Statement on Veterans Day

by | Nov 11, 2015 | Latest

From Staff Reports

WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Congressman Pete Sessions (R-TX-32), Chairman of the House Rules Committee and a Member of House Republican Leadership, today released the following statement in honor of Veterans Day:

“I proudly join my fellow Americans in honoring the more than 21 million veterans across the United States, including the 1.6 million veterans who call Texas their home. On Veterans Day, we pause to reflect on their unwavering courage and selfless sacrifice and reaffirm our commitment to providing our American heroes with the support and resources that they need and deserve. We must fulfill our responsibility and provide them with the opportunity to achieve the American Dream – the American Dream which they fought so hard to protect.

“Today and every day we salute our nation’s veterans and thank them from the depths of our hearts for protecting our families and making the United States of America the greatest country in the world.”

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