Jesus takes our punishment

by | Apr 14, 2023 | Opinion

One time, when my son was young, he was acting up. The behavior continued to the point that he needed a spanking. He obviously was not thrilled about this punishment, and he began to cry, even before the spanking. So, in a moment of what seemed to be parenting genius, I told him I would take his punishment for him. I thought that he would see the valiant sacrifice I was making on his behalf. I gave him the plastic spatula, which was our method of punishment, and told him to spanker me in his place. Well, with all the zeal and power that a little kid can muster, he went to town on me. The point of my lesson was completely lost.

You realize that you have sinned… Right? You understand that nothing you can do will make up for the reality that your sins separate you from God and that you deserve eternal separation from God in a place called Hell. While we might compromise our standards, God never compromises His. God will never allow sin into His perfect presence.

There is a part of us that does not like to think that a loving God could be so harsh. Most people like the gracious and loving part of God and do not like or want to accept His wrath and judgment toward sin. Yet, his love and his wrath are like two sides of the same coin. Both are necessary. God’s love means little, and Christ’s sacrifice means nothing if there is no consequence for our sins. If everyone goes to Heaven, then why was it even necessary for Christ to die? Yet, sin is real. Heaven and Hell are certain. Either you die for your sins or Christ dies for your sins. Isn’t Jesus wonderful for taking out punishment? Let us respond correctly. 


Did you ever get ‘set free’ for something you deserved to be punished for?

Have you ever taken anyone else’s punishment?

How should knowing Jesus took your punishment to change your attitude toward people?

By Kris Segrest


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