SFOT 2024 RH

Letter to the Editor

by | Jun 24, 2015 | Opinion

Awesome as our motivated America celebrates on Saturday “We the People” searing divisive heritage and useful insights in aspirations the deep rich veins of “The Spirit of America the Beautiful”. Stresses free its July 4…239 years after the 56 disingenuous signed the Declaration of Independence.

Collaboration was the challenging up-and-down startups cachet technology jawbone charismatic captivated daunting inspired from the rugged frontier of the 13 colonies to become the sophisticated “50”. Common planning importance streamlined during the revolution of God’s blessed America and has had only the Civil War in its total environment.

Attuned with emerging attractive implementation no country has ever gained more influence (including the Great Roman Empire) with its disciplined risk focused vast and starkly unusual and different hinterlands included in “My Home Sweet Home”.

Courage and compassion and creative work with unalienable inspiration after the rockets red glare and bombs bursting in air “Yankee Doodle” emerged as the appealing land of powerhouse opportunity for relocation in “My Country Tis of Thee”. Flexibility was an old ranging rewarding look for success to consumer behavior under the rules of its citizens standing at attention for “The Star Spangled Banner” with “Old Glory” waving above.

Applaud new ideas and vitality by the innovated doers, dreamers and drivers reinventing and transforming the bedrock systems and to convene minded people the innovative technology and ideas to solve and eliminate community problems, visionaries.

Plagues…YES…by savviest execution blunders especially regarding women’s inclusion and gender under represented minorities brought an everywhere important part of concrete instituted possibilities to rethink concept. Determination by stimulated people with quality transformations strategy constantly since 1776 (239 years ago) has brought “This Land is Our Land” many, many historical events too numerous to name here.

Prerequisite innovative products and inspired prudent diversified experiences have dedicated and recognized the journey…hard but joyful with appealing self-service enacting changes by the strength of unified. HUH? Communications increase capability for fabulous speed and globalization-diversified decisions on unknowing risk yields as example may be refreshing with accountability, jeers, fears and hodge-podge.

Skillfully this is the most important holiday in these United States but not until 1943 (74 years ago) did the U.S. Congress vote July 4 to be a national holiday for all cultures under the rules of its population. Configure, implement, and support!

Pledging their lives, fortunes and sacred honor the 56 signees lost investments, were captured, tortured, wounded, killed and disgraced by the British. All “56” were soft-spoken well-educated men. There were no women present at the signing.


Wayne Spraggins

Hilco Real Estate 6-2024


SFOT 2024 RH

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