Wylie residents will go to the polls next week to cast their vote during early voting.
Early voting will begin statewide Monday, April 25 and conclude Friday, May 3. Election day will be held Saturday, May 7.
Residents will cast ballots in state constitution elections for two propositions for the state constitution.
Proposition 1 is asking residents to approve a reduction to the overall amount disabled or elderly homeowners would pay in ad valorem taxes. Property tax bills for elderly or disabled homeowners are currently frozen in accordance with the state’s constitution.
In 2019, the Legislature passed a reduction in property taxes for homeowners, but they did not apply to elderly or disabled homeowners. The reduced rates were not given to elderly or disabled homeowners because of their frozen tax rate.
Proposition 2 is asking voters to allow for an increased tax exemption for a resident’s primary residence for public school allocation. Current law allows homeowners to deduct $25,000 and the resolution would increase that amount to $40,000.
Early voting across Collin County will be held 8 a.m.-5 p.m. from Monday, April 25, through Saturday, April 30. There will be no early voting Sunday, May 1.
Polls will open again Monday, May 2, at 7 a.m. and close at 7 p.m. with the same hours for Tuesday, May 3.
The last two days of early voting will be from 7 a.m.-7 p.m. May 2-3.
Collin County residents can check early voting locations and other information at collincountytx.gov/elections.