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Voters approve 9 of 10 amendments

by | Nov 7, 2019 | Latest

Collin County results in the Texas Constitutional Amendments election last week mirrored those from statewide returns with approval given to nine of 10 proposals.

The election was conducted Tuesday, Nov. 5. Of 590,266 registered voters in Collin County, only 64,360 (10.9 percent) showed up at the polls.

Proposition 1, allowing selected municipal court judges to serve multiple jurisdictions, was defeated statewide by a margin of 66 percent to 33 percent. In Collin County, 38,872 votes (61.46 percent) were cast against the measure and 24,378 (38.54 percent) were cast in favor.

Texans approved Proposition 2, allowing the Texas Water Development Board to issue bonds to fund water and wastewater infrastructure projects in low-income areas, by a margin of 64 percent to 36 percent. Collin County results were 40,795 (64.39 percent) in favor and 22,565 (35.61 percent) opposed.

Proposition 3, allowing the legislature to create temporary property tax exemptions for people with property damage in governor-declared disaster areas, passed by a margin of 85 percent in favor to 15 percent opposed statewide. In Collin County, totals were 55,931 (88.22 percent) in favor and 7,467 (11.78 percent) opposed.

Voters approved of Proposition 4, requiring a two-thirds vote from future legislatures to enact a personal income tax, by a margin of 76 percent to 24 percent. Collin County numbers were 50,228 (78.54 percent) for and 13,727 (21.46 percent) against the measure.

Proposition 5, earmarking all revenue from the sporting goods sales tax to the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department and Texas Historical Commission, received overwhelming statewide support, 88 percent in favor and 12 percent opposed. In Collin County the divide was also large, 55,136 (86.53 percent) in favor and 8,580 (13.47 percent) opposed.

Allowing the state to issue up to $6 billion in bonds on behalf of the Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas, Proposition 6, passed statewide 63 percent to 37 percent. Collin County tallies were 37,475 (59.19 percent) for and 25,834 (40.81 percent) against.

Proposition 7, allowing the General Land Office, State Board of Education and other entities to double the amount of revenue they can give to the Available School Fund, passed throughout the state 73 percent to 27 percent. In Collin County 44,976 voters (71.12 percent) approved and 18,266 (28.88 percent) opposed the measure.

Creating a flood infrastructure fund for use by the Texas Water Development Board, Proposition 8, was approved statewide by a margin of 76 percent to 24 percent. Collin County voters cast 46,153 ballots (72.77 percent) for and 17,271 ballots (27.23) against the amendment.

Proposition 9, exempting precious metals kept in state depositories from property taxes was approved statewide by a margin of 53 percent to 47 percent. In Collin County, the margin was thin, 31,678 (50.98 percent) in favor and 30,456 (49.02 percent) against the proposal.

The biggest margin of statewide support, 94 percent for and 6 percent against, was given to Proposition 10, allowing former handlers or qualified caretakers to adopt retired law enforcement animals without a fee. The tallies in Collin County were 61,219 votes for (95.85 percent) to 2,652 (4.15 percent) against.

By Joe Reavis • [email protected]

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