Equipment to disinfect water with electronically-charged ozone was installed at by North Texas Municipal Water District at its Wylie facility at a cost of $127 million.
Journey of water tour presented to participants
By Joe Reavis
Staff Writer
North Texas Municipal Water District conducted tours Friday, Nov. 4, at its main facilities in Wylie to show officials from member cities the process of drawing water from a lake and treating it for consumption by customers.
The tours marked the 60th anniversary since NTMWD began operations Nov. 8, 1956 in Wylie. That original plant, which is still in use, had a capacity to treat 20 million gallons of water per day (MGD). Since then, the district has built three other treatment plants at its complex in Wylie with capacity to treat up to 70 MGD.
For the full story see the Nov. 9 issue and the e-Edition at https://www.etypeservices.com/Wylie%20NewsID245/default.aspx